The Bellroy Apex is a $500 backpack that’s never failed to be a jaw-dropper, for both the right and wrong reasons.
While it’s definitely a luxury product, it’s also expertly designed.
Besides the fact that it looks gorgeous, it is packed with features. I assumed that the marketing claims were merely gimmicks, but the bag truly lives up to Bellroy’s self-generated hype.
It feels amazing on your back regardless of the load you’re carrying, and brings multiple well-thought out features together into a masterpiece.
If I had to sum this bag up with a singular header, it would be “Easy Access“
Surely you’ve faced the pain of having all your items fall to the deepest depths of your backpack. With Bellroy’s “Toolbelt Organisation”, you can make full use of the space at the top of the bag that is often wasted due to gravity.

Not big enough? Besides opening up fully from the top, it also opens up from both sides. If you’ve got a camera stashed away at the very bottom of your bag, you could simply open it up from the side and reach in for it, rather than digging for it from the top.
The bag also has two handy side pockets that are surprisingly spacious for easy and quick access.
If you need even more space, the opening flap has multiple notches meaning that you can go from just carrying a laptop and water bottle to packing enough clothes for a week.
However, let’s be honest. What ultimately sold me on it was the fact that it was the only bag on the market that fit my aesthetic taste.
Seriously, how hard is it to make a black canvas bag that is water-resistant, that has leather highlights?
Well, Bellroy did it, therefore they get my money.